Stress Relief / Serene™- Quiets the Mind
- Reduces Stress
- Reduces mental chatter
- Helps improve sleep quality
- Clinically proven to calm the nervous systems
- Reduces heart rate by several beats per minute
- Helps you achieve true relaxation
- More productive and calm work place
Like many great products, the unique sound blend in Serene™ was discovered by accident. While doing research on anxiety and heart rate, it was discovered that a specific sound reduced heart by several beats per minute. This lower heart rate was clinically significant because it resulted in the mental and physical relaxation of the subject. The research showed even brief exposure to Serene™ harmonics caused at least a five percent reduction in heart rate.
Serene™ is time tested background sound that will calm the mind. Listening to soothing whooshing sounds of Serene will quiet your brain helping you achieve greater relaxation.
Clinical tests revealed that patients benefited substantially and immediately when they systematically listened to Serene on a daily basis. To improve your sleep, listen to Serene™ at bedtime to quiet the mind and fall asleep more rapidly. Or during the day just take a break day by listening to Serene™; close your eyes and focus on the harmonic sounds.
David, from Vancouver, tried Serene™ in his office and was pleased to find that people seemed more cooperative while engaged in stressful work activity.