Stress Relief
Promotes a state for healing, creative, and achievement focused imagery; Increases quieting brainwaves; Hypnotic metaphoric images promote deep relaxation; Clears the mind and calms the body to...
Priced from: $16.00
Improves "quieting in the brain"; Reduces Stress; Helps improve sleep quality; Overview SERENE-SWEEPTM has been developed specifically for those clients who experience increased tension a...
Priced from: $16.00
Reduces Stress; Reduces mental chatter; Helps improve sleep quality; Clinically proven to calm the nervous systems; Reduces heart rate by several beats per minute; Helps you achieve true rela...
Priced from: $16.00
Effective for headaches and pains caused by tension; Reduces mental chatter; Helpful for controlling high blood pressure; Quiets your tense body; Helps improve sleep quality; Active and passi...
Priced from: $16.00
Helps clear the mind of distressful thoughts; Promotes quieting of the mind; Revitalizes mental efficiency; Powerful supplement to other therapies; Aids therapies focused on desensitizing fear...
Priced from: $16.00