NeuroDelve - SwingleSonic Calm for Professionals

  • NeuroDelve - SwingleSonic Calm for Professionals

NeuroDelve - SwingleSonic Calm for Professionals


Our new app, SwingleSonic Calm allows a Therapist to easily prescribe our Harmonics and other modalities to clients (Currently Breath training is available, other modalities coming soon).


Accessible – Affordable - Easy to Use

The SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM flagship protocol, BRAIN CALM TM quiets the brain. It is specifically engineered to target regions of the brain that regulate (over) arousal.

The SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM APP is the first of its kind blending the power of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) / breathwork, with Trademark Harmonics, affecting change through both the Central Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System. The protocol has been rigorously tested and clinically proven to elicit states of increased brain and body quiet. In difference to other interventions, the SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM APP (breathing training) protocol does not have sedative properties rendering it effective for a wider range of objectives from anxiety reduction to increased focus.

As the trademark harmonics are further blended in select colour noise, a clinician / therapist can specifically target states of higher, or lower arousal, according to the desired target effect(s) / affect(s) of their client. This proprietary layering and harmonic blending renders the SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM APP significantly more effective than wellness products without substantiated research claims.


Therapist Licence – All access

Ally (Client) Licence – All access customized by therapist

General User Licence(s) – Limited access / preprogrammed formats & settings

The SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM BRAIN CALM protocol has been clinically demonstrated to be Efficient and Effective in all environments. Limited versions (general user licences) have preset parameters for generalised stress reduction including improved relaxation, stress tolerance and sleep quality, and can be purchased directly by the consumer for home use without supervision or guidance from a therapist.

Therapist Licence: The therapist Licence has ‘all access’ permitting therapists to independently program all settings and parameters.

Therapist / Ally (Client) Licenses: Designed for clients to use in combination with, or as part of a course of therapy. The protocols can be used exclusively preceding*, during (see below), or post therapy as a maintenance program.  (See therapist Corner below).

*Helpful for clients on a waitlist for therapy

Working with a Therapist: The advantage of using the SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM APP in a Therapist / Ally (Client) relationship (using the SwingleSonic NeuroDelve APP under the guidance of a therapist) is the ability for the therapist to systematically target specific expressed symptoms and psycho-neurophysiological states and traits associated with mental health complaints in either the hyper or hypo arousal ‘families’ (e.g., anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, cravings, etc.). As with all therapy adjuncts, customization is associated with higher efficiency. A therapist’s capacity to customize the SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM APP settings based upon experience and knowledge of a client’s specific (psycho)neurophysiology, augments efficacy.

Therapists Corner:

Client specific BRAIN CALM TM settings within the protocol (labelled breathing program on both the therapist version and Ally/Client version of the APP) can be the access key to a compelling psychotherapeutic session.

When used in combination with therapy (e.g., neurotherapy, counselling, or psychotherapy, etc.) the SwingleSonic NeuroDelve TM APP facilitates clearer thinking. Central is the ability to process (think clearly) in a more homeostatic (balanced or neutral), as opposed to hyper (anxious) or hypo (sedated or numbed state). The possibility of therapeutic intervention while experiencing lowered fear response(s) and lowered defense mechanisms is a breakthrough for trauma therapy.

The power of this app lies in the fact that it allows intervention via both the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The clinically validated SoundHealth Trademark harmonics work by activating sub-threshold auditory processing. The select colour noises(s) work by activating threshold auditory processing. Both activate changes in the nervous system(s).

Clinical Power: Our rigorous clinical testing of various pairings of respiratory and auditory reception have shown significant quieting of the mind and include three key effects 1. EEG markers associated with stress tolerance reduction increase, 2. The brain / body relaxes, and 3. Mental efficiency improves. 

Breath training at custom resonance frequency accesses the autonomic nervous system and increases Heart Rate Variability (HRV), a key indicator of homeostatic health. Combining Trademark SoundHealth clinically validated harmonic sound frequency blends with programable resonance frequency breathing exercises is a powerful fusion, resulting in decreased stress and increased brain and body CALM rendering it a potent mechanism for change.



How To Use

Use with wired headphones or open air at low volume.

Warning: This App must be used WIRED. Wireless delivery and sound altering technologies can alter the fidelity of the harmonics thus dramatically reducing the efficacy / reliability of delivery.

  • Do not use wireless / with Bluetooth.
  •  Do not use with noise canceling headphones.
  • Louder is not better: Use at the lowest volume wherein you can hear the pink noise (with the embedded harmonic) clearly.

For best and cumulative results use daily.

1. Set resonance frequency (breaths per minute rate). 
  • Suggested start for females 7, males 6. 
  • Adjust up or down for comfort (comfortable unforced breathing). 
  •  Make a best effort to breathe from the diaphragm (belly) not the chest (shoulders). 
  • Reduce breathing rate as comfort improves.
2. Set time: 
  • Recommended time 10 minutes
3. Set breath hold rate: 
  • Recommended ideal hold rate one second.
  • New users may wish to have this lower e.g., .5 seconds for initial comfort.
4. Play
  • Breathe in with the rising
  • Hold at the top
  • Breathe out with the lowering
  •  Hold at the end
5. Repeat for duration (e.g., 10 minutes)


  • Mary Jo Sabo, Ph.D., BCI

    We have been using your Attention CD in the Yonkers School District since Feb, of 1998. We have had outstanding results using the tape and have noticed a significant reduction in aberrant behavior in the children using the CD. In each of the 3 sch...
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  • GK, Vancouver

    In experimenting with Dr. Swingle's Attention CD, I discovered that the sound produced a calming effect for me. I was particularly pleased with the impact it had for reading as it definitely increased my concentration and ultimately my comprehension.
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  • PZ, Ottawa

    ...In all probability you have forgotten my visits with you approximately ten years ago when I was referred to you by A.K. However, the reason I am writing you is to see if it would be possible to obtain a copy of the relaxation CD you gave me whe...
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  • CC, Ottawa

    I just want to let you know that I am fine. I have had very few headaches. I am using my relaxation CD and the exercises you gave me. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. It is a miracle to be headache and fiourinal free! Since...
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  • NC, Elementary School Teacher, Peace River, Alberta

    Our problem was that we originally only ordered two Attention CDs. The two teachers who had the most immediate and dramatic results with their students would not loan their CDs for the rest of the staff. When I listen to the CD, it appears to have...
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  • Dr. Claire Hawes

    My client made more progress after one use of (Sweep™) than in weeks (of regular EMDR therapy).
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  • Dr. Lee Pulos

    My patients prefer Sweep 3 to 1 over the EMDR stimulator.
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    I'm fairly jaded by 'gimmicks' and not easily impressed. Spectra however is really special and very impressive. Loved the instant meditative mental state that was stimulated. ...just the thing [that] alcohol treatment centres need. Unless there's ...
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