NEW Swingle ClinicalQ and Braindryving Suite for Thought Technology (CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO PURCHASE)

  • NEW Swingle ClinicalQ and Braindryving Suite for Thought Technology  (CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO PURCHASE)
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*This product is available in partnership with the BFE only, Please click link above to purchase, we do not sell this product directly.*

IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS SOFTWARE SUITE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR BIOGRAPH INFINITI VERSION 6.2. If you have upgraded to version 6.2, be sure to select it from the drop down below.

This ClinicalQ & BrainDryvr software was designed by Dr. Paul Swingle and includes comprehensive clinical and software guides that cover every step from recording an initial assessment to training sessions. Dr. Swingle’s ClinicalQ Assessment system is a simple method to examine brain activity as a basis for determining training plans quickly and effectively. Results from the assessment are arranged in a simple excel reports, which includes notes for quick interpretation. The documentation included with the suite guides users through the entire process of hardware hook-up, client preparation, impedance check, data recording and reviewing. Sample data is also included with the software program to allow purchasers to see a real-time recording of a BrainDryvr session.

BFE Limited Edition suites require the use of the latest version of BioGraph Infiniti software and Thought Technology Infiniti hardware.

THIS SOFTWARE IS DELIVERED BY DIRECT DOWNLOAD and may take up to 30 minutes depending on your internet connection. Software can be downloaded immediately as you complete your purchase by clicking on the green DOWNLOAD button. Alternately, you can log back into your account at any time during the next 7 days to complete the download. After downloading the software you must run the .exe file to install it on your computer.

Inquiries about your purchase can be directed to Technical support is provided free of charge through the BFE Swingle Team from Monday to Friday. Should you require assistance please contact the team directly at



  • Mary Jo Sabo, Ph.D., BCI

    We have been using your Attention CD in the Yonkers School District since Feb, of 1998. We have had outstanding results using the tape and have noticed a significant reduction in aberrant behavior in the children using the CD. In each of the 3 sch...
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  • GK, Vancouver

    In experimenting with Dr. Swingle's Attention CD, I discovered that the sound produced a calming effect for me. I was particularly pleased with the impact it had for reading as it definitely increased my concentration and ultimately my comprehension.
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  • PZ, Ottawa

    ...In all probability you have forgotten my visits with you approximately ten years ago when I was referred to you by A.K. However, the reason I am writing you is to see if it would be possible to obtain a copy of the relaxation CD you gave me whe...
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  • CC, Ottawa

    I just want to let you know that I am fine. I have had very few headaches. I am using my relaxation CD and the exercises you gave me. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. It is a miracle to be headache and fiourinal free! Since...
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  • NC, Elementary School Teacher, Peace River, Alberta

    Our problem was that we originally only ordered two Attention CDs. The two teachers who had the most immediate and dramatic results with their students would not loan their CDs for the rest of the staff. When I listen to the CD, it appears to have...
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  • Dr. Claire Hawes

    My client made more progress after one use of (Sweep™) than in weeks (of regular EMDR therapy).
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  • Dr. Lee Pulos

    My patients prefer Sweep 3 to 1 over the EMDR stimulator.
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    I'm fairly jaded by 'gimmicks' and not easily impressed. Spectra however is really special and very impressive. Loved the instant meditative mental state that was stimulated. ...just the thing [that] alcohol treatment centres need. Unless there's ...
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